Sunday, July 26, 2015

REMINDER - I have moved!

I Have Moved

I am now blogging away and supporting women at a new address. 
You can find me at:

Thank you for visiting 
and I'll see you on the other side!
                            Katherine xo

Friday, May 9, 2014

Don't Pass on Passion. Pass it on.

Mother’s Day is Sunday and I really wanted to write about my mom. But I’m finding I’m still selfish about the memory of her. (Almost ten years have passed since she has. I’m pretty stingy.) So I will write about passions. My mom had hers and in later years was too busy with either work or her ten grandchildren (also passions of hers) to fully enjoy them, not that she ever voiced regret. Her greatest passion was, after family and friends, art. She painted, pasteled, sketched and drew. I knew her passion at a very young age. I remember when I was four or five years old watching my dad add his touches to one of her oil paintings that she had left out to dry. I was shocked that he’d paint on her work, something so personal. I don’t know what happened when she found out, but the memory stayed with me that her art was sacred to her. We should all know that about mom at a young age.

During the weeks leading up to Mother’s Day, as a preschool teacher there are motherly projects that we work on each year. One is a questionnaire for our students asking them about their mom.

How old is your mom?
How much does she weigh?
What’s her favorite color?

A lot of the answers are fun and they tend to reflect their feelings instead of their mom’s. More questions: 

What makes your mom laugh? 
What would your mom do if she had more time?
What does your mom love to do to relax?  

I love it when they have an immediate answer without having to think about it, no matter what their answer is.
It means that they have seen the happiness on her face when she does those things that she loves. Even if it’s sitting down to watch a favorite TV show or sleeping in.

I recently asked my daughter what she felt my passions were. She knew them; writing, drawing, Haagen-Dazs Chocolate ice-cream and butterflies. I WAS surprised that she left out a few. I LOVE putting on my pajamas, and I LOVE getting into bed. She knows this for sure. Those aren't all of my passions, but I’d passed this mommy test.

Sometimes I have students who can’t think of anything that makes their mom happy. Her passions are theirs. This is true for me as well. To see my daughter or my son have fun and smile and laugh is a passion beyond words. Even more so if they do it together. So yes, I love to see her ride her bike or dance in her recital. But it’s just as important for her to see MY passions.

Instill passion in your children. 

Not by telling them to be passionate about their hobby, but by letting them see YOUR passion. When you want to put on your pajamas, don’t say, “I’m going to put on my pajamas, I’m exhausted.” Instead say, “I’m going to put on my pajamas. Who’s with me!?”

And argue a little bit harder when they want to eat your last bite of that chocolate ice-cream cone. “You can have a couple of bites, but save the last one for me!” Pass on the passion. Let them know that life is to be enjoyed, even the small things. Especially the small things. ~Katherine A. Rayne~

Katherine A. Rayne is the author of Back To Being A Woman (Without Changing The Man), a book to help us in our relationships. Even with our children and friends, but most importantly with ourselves. Find her book on in paperback or ebook form or visit her website at and Facebook page She also has a twitter page #Dailychallenge at  

Enjoy the little things! They are the big things!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

21 Years as a Guide is Plenty

“I have a son that is twenty-one.”
Eight words that I have never said in one sentence until recently. It didn’t sting. (Most likely because he is awesome...smiling BIG.) Kids are a Work-In-Progress…from the time that we find out that we are pregnant and begin eating healthier to prepare them for a sustainable life and then we concentrate on keeping them well until the day that we die.

My sister once told me that children are like precious stones. At first they have lots of rough edges but with beauty...lots of beauty hidden within. With lots and lots of our polishing and elbow grease, they will eventually shine and glisten and be beautiful inside and out, especially when put into the light. It’s the same sister that became very frustrated and sad when her daughter didn't want to see her dating after her divorce. She was an adolescent and wanted/needed to have her mom available to her. Not off gallivanting with another person foreign to her. So then it was my turn to give her the advice. 

“You know how you have to remind your daughter to brush her teeth Every. Single. Morning. And Every. Single. Night? Even though she knows she’s supposed to and she can’t leave the house without doing it? (Think about it. How many times do you think you’ve said, “Go brush your teeth,” as a parent?)

Now, rinse and repeat this a hundred times, too, if you have to: “Gina. (Not her real name…she’ll be reading this post. Teehee.) I am a mother first. I’m also a woman. And a woman deserves a companion in her life. It will be a slow process but eventually we will have another person in our life. Because I want that.” 

It’s a lot more serious than brushing teeth, but the message has to be relayed a few hundred times in order to move forward. For everyone. The good news? We have 21 years to keep rinsing and repeating. On any lesson. There is no need to rush lessons. Besides, they won’t learn in a rush. They will learn like the tortoise. Slow and steady

What is important is that we as parents keep planting the seeds. The seeds that they spit back out at us. The seeds that they don’t want to swallow. The ones that have too hard of a shell for them to digest just yet. The seeds that sit there dormant. Until they remember them again. Until they NEED them.
And if we forgot to plant them, they won’t ever have them to dig up and fertilize and grow all on their own. We can’t rush a rose or a gemstone. And we can’t try to rush adulthood.

So many of us think of 21 as the "drinking age." And if we think of it as the “drinking age,” guess what? So do our kids. There are religions that have rites of passage to adulthood. Religion seems to have become unpopular but we still need to keep an adult rite of passage alive. When there is a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah (a Jewish boy or girl, respectively, turning 13 and 12), one of the reasons for celebrating is their coming-of-age. They are now responsible for their own actions. They should now think, act and practice responsibly. This is something that they work towards their whole life. It’s not just a party! It’s what children need in order to become productive human beings and positive contributors to our society. We can’t make the age of 18 about, “THEN and only then can you get a tattoo!” or “Then you can do whatever you want. Right now you’re under MY roof!” 

We need to build them towards 18 (or 13 or 16 or 21) as a responsibility. “You will join the world in helping it become a better place!” “You will be ready to join the work force and find your passions!” “You one day will find the love of your life and have beautiful children and make me a grandmother!

The United States borders Mexico. Mexico’s drinking age is 18. We have many teenagers who cross over the border just so that they can drink freely and without worry. I remember a story years back where the U.S. was very upset with the effects of a lower drinking age and we felt that Mexican authorities should raise theirs in order to prevent the drinking, driving and accidents occurring when these children would drive back home across the border. Mexico’s response?
Our children don’t go out and party and drink until they are drunk the day that they become of drinking age. You need to talk to your kids about the responsibilities of drinking. Our drinking age isn't the problem!

We can’t make drinking a “rite of passage” to adulthood. Because then our children will. It shouldn't even be a part of the equation. I’m not even close to saying they shouldn't be drinking. I like my wine! And my son knows it. (smile) But he also knows that his mom has so many other priorities. And that’s how he knows me and how he’s come to know himself. He follows his heart, by God. And I LOVE that. 21 years in the making, but I’ll be honest, he was super special at any age. And THAT’S what our kids need to know most.

 ~Katherine A. Rayne~ wants you to live your life and love it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What Stop Sign?

There are so many things in life that “stop us” from moving forward. Insecurity. Judgment. Being afraid. Exhaustion. Worry.
We can see them coming from a mile away, but each and every time we stop cautiously, sheepishly and diligently. Always politely allowing the worry to go on ahead in front of us. We don’t know yet what’s on the other side, but we’re afraid of it already. “Oh dear. Here comes one of those moments. I think I’ll stop here and take a break while I ponder all the terrible things that could happen.”

I had a great aunt who had a brain tumor removed many years ago. Along with the tumor, the doctors removed her worry. Literally. I don’t know about you, but don’t great aunts ALREADY say the darndest things?! You can imagine what thoughts came out of her mouth. No care, no worry, always with a shit-eating grin. Almost always turning my six-year old mouth into an OVAL. But along with the silence in the room that often followed her comments, my guess is that many of the adults around her were wishing that they had no worry holding them back, either.

What if our minds didn't use worry? Didn't know worry. Would our instincts kick in hard and drive us to where we are supposed to be SOONER and with less of the gray hairs?

My daughter has the worry wart. It’s hidden most of the time but it comes out when she’s home and feels safe. I try to make her think of the worst thing that could happen. Every time I (remember to) use this tactic, it puts her sweet mind at ease.

Many times the worst isn't awful. It’s livable. It’s workable. It’s get-around-able. So instead of going around it or letting it go ahead of us, we need to just plow through it. 

Be CURIOUS about what’s on the other side of it. And eager. And forget the worry wart that grows in between your intelligence and sense of humor. Disengage it. Go through this world by barging through your octagon signs leaving oval signs in your path!

A definition of worry:   verb 1. to torment oneself with, or to make oneself suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret. 

Please note "torment oneself." It means that we do it to ourselves! We do it with our imagination. Use your imagination to conjure up positive occurrences. Why think about all the BAD things that could happen. 

Think instead about all the GOOD things that could happen. Plunge through the stop signs when they start popping up. You’ll go farther

~Katherine A. Rayne~ Visit her at

Monday, April 7, 2014

This Is Me  ("My Messy Beautiful")   

How is it that the people with the cleanest homes are always the ones that say,
“Please excuse my messy house…I haven’t had a chance to clean.”? They say it without embarrassment but I’m thinking with a bit of smugness hiding in their words. “Trust me,” I say, “I know messy. There’s no messy here.”

I am writing this essay-blog for the Messy, Beautiful Glennon Lloyd-Melton Project. (She wrote, Carry On Warrior.) And when you mention “messy” to me, the first thing I think of is my home. Shouldn't it be a warm safe harbor, our home? I have days, a few days of the year, where it feels that way. But there’s soooo many days where it is the enemy. A battle waiting to be won. Laundry should be called “laun” because then it would be a four-letter word. And the kitchen “sink” already is one. Fitting. 

When my family and I aren't home making a mess, I have a dog, a hamster (their urine really stinks…don’t get one ever told me that) and a beta fish who continue to do that while I’m gone.

I love coming home to a pretty home. When everything is in order and there is NOTHING FOR ME TO WORK ON THE MINUTE I WALK IN THE DOOR. I LOVE pretty. I even put on some pretty text to sit down and write.

I've been through the real messy stuff, too. A miscarriage, a divorce, the loss of my mom and then my dad a month later, ( cruel) but I tend to not think of those things as messy. I don’t write too much about them. They are all dear to my heart and so very sacred. But they don’t make me different or lonely or in need of sympathy. They don’t even make me messy. They make me normal. When I had the miscarriage, I felt awful. But on the same day as my D&C, I learned that one in three pregnancies end in a miscarriage. I suddenly felt normal. I had team members in large numbers by my side.

I like to keep things private to keep them less messy. When I had the miscarriage, no one even knew we were pregnant until the miscarriage. So no one else had the opportunity to mourn with me. A family friend dropped by after I came home from the procedure and wanted to say Hi. 

I said, “I’m sorry…I’m not really up for company. I just had a D&C due to a miscarriage.” That was a messy moment. And REALLLLY awkward. Only because I REALLLY didn’t feel like talking.

My messy is me. I’m way too private. (Except for when I’m behind my keyboard.) I don’t share enough about myself to really close friends. (“Oh, by the way, four years ago my husband had an affair and I’m still not dealing with it very well. Can we talk? Yes…that IS my secret diet and the reason why I’m way thin.”)

I find that if I talk about those messy matters, then I feel them way more often than I care to…or want to. They won’t go away, just because I’m feeling them more. I will still have to deal with them. But if I keep them private, I won’t have to hear people say: “how are you doing…are you okay?” Because that’s a reminder. A reminder of something that I would rather put aside until I’m alone and have the quiet space I need to try to figure out how I am going to embrace my new life. My life without that baby. A life as a single woman. That life without parents…without M.O.M.  O.M.G. Without Mom. Moms are everything. You won’t know that until yours is gone. They are your foundation to every single living cell in your being. Literally and figuratively.

So what is my messy-beautiful? I use this to pay a tribute to my messy, beautiful mom. She was a pack-rat, so she knows about a messy house. I’m sure that’s where my messy house comes from. So it’s not so messy, then. When you find those reminders of a Love that is gone, you inhale anything that reminds you of them. My sense of direction. I LOVE getting lost on road trips. It reminds me of my mom and her bad sense of direction. My thighs, as much as they aren't so pretty, they remind me of my mom each time I look down and there she is. Those funky words that she would use and I would giggle over them. They escape the crevices of my mouth on occasion as I get older. I would have cringed at them if she were alive, but now I smile. Mom lives on in me. And it’s messy, but I will never find myself apologizing for it. I will embrace it. Because I can no longer embrace her. Mom…you were Messy. But God you were Beautiful. I Miss You.   

This essay and I are part of the Messy, Beautiful Warrior Project — To learn more and join us, CLICK HERE! And to learn about the New York Times Bestselling Memoir Carry On Warrior: The Power of Embracing Your Messy, Beautiful Life, just released in paperback, CLICK HERE!  

Katherine A. Rayne is author of, Back To Being A Woman (Without Changing the Man), a book on relationship replenishment. Contact Katherine at

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Label Your Day

Label Your Day

I conquered the grocery store the other day. I put my labeling technique to use. I was pushing my empty cart up and down the aisles. I wasn’t even hungry (thank goodness…we all know you can’t go there when hungry). I’m trying to drink less soda (because I drink WAY TOO MUCH of it). I had no more in the house. So….when I came upon the soda aisle, I looked at my trusty friend (diet coke) and labeled him, “poison” (truth, Google it) and just walked right on by. (Talk about strength!)

Next was the cereal aisle. Not in need of any “gluten” today, thank you very much. Whew. Next challenge? Wine label. Easy peezee: “Bad. For. My. Skin.” It was at this moment that I had that “how proud am I?” moment. Feeling quite superhero-ish by now.

Have you ever noticed that the displays at the ends of the aisles are the worst? I have no problem with those powdered sugar donuts (unless they are in my pantry) or Oreos (have you ever heard where the fat for the yummy centers comes from?) but there’s still some things that are on my “gotta have it” list. I was pretending I was having to give up something, so I was trying to give up everything. That usually back fires on me but this day I got through it. I did pick up chocolate, though. There’s no other label for chocolate except “OhMyGoodnessHowYummyIsThis!!!

So labeling works! Let’s talk about Labeling Your Day. When you wake up in the morning, if you are anything like me, you know what needs the most attention that day, besides work, children and (always) laundry. Before your head is off of your pillow and your feet hit the floor, label your day with the items that you want to get done that day. I’m happy to report that today I got it ALL done. (And that never happens.) I labeled my day first thing this morning, “accomplishment.”  I had a list in the kitchen that I’d see while preparing breakfast so I knew what that would entail. You may have days where you just want to fly by the seat of your pants. I highly recommend labeling it, instead. Even if it’s to label your day as “play day, relax day, or peaceful day.” 

Maybe you have drawers that have been calling your name out for days or weeks. Clean and organize them but first label your day “organization.” Organize the drawers, emails, digital photos on the computer (including saving them to another form of back-up…we all know why), laundry day, errand day, pet care day (baths, toenails clipped). We all have a constant streaming to-do list running through our heads of things needing immediate attention. What is THE one thing (or two things) that you'd love to have done at day's end? Label your day as such.

When you label your day first thing, you will feel more motivated and have a sense of direction instantly. And once those items are taken care of and you meet yourself back at your pillow again later that night, you will feel accomplishedThat’s a pleasant feeling at the end of a day. Even if the house is still a mess and you forgot to schedule dental appointments once again, your goal has been met. Success! Make your day conquerable. And then go conquer it. ~~~Katherine A. Rayne~~~

Monday, March 24, 2014

pro-choice but anti-abortion

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that was supportive of anti-abortion. I always find these stickers bordering on the quite-offensive. To anybody. Too many graphic images and successful efforts of inducing disturbing thoughts. I know this is on purpose. We want to save another sweet life. (There is no question as to WHEN it becomes a child. That happens at conception…we shouldn’t try to fool ourselves into thinking otherwise.) But. If we are sending messages out to the world for good, shouldn’t we be making sure that it’s conducive to spreading Knowledge, Truth AND Peace? I know the authors of these stickers are diligently trying to make a difference in our world by saving one more baby. I give thanks for that. But no one says that they have to be mean about it. The bumper sticker I saw the other day was Kind. Thoughtful and Decent. And of course I can’t remember it, but it said something to the effect of,

"Don't let me go. Hold my hand instead,"
with a tiny image of a newborn. These are words a sweet soul might whisper into her mother’s ear during that difficult time of decision making. That made sense. I didn’t take offense.

I could not choose abortion. But I also feel very strongly that the government has no business deciding a woman’s extremely personal decision for her. If abortion was illegal, we know that women all over the world would still find a way to abort it if she really wanted to. It wouldn’t stop it from happening. I don’t think it’s up to us to make her feel bad about her decision, either. I’m pretty sure she feels bad already. Remember the “no judging” clause? So I refuse to judge a woman on her decisions. (I would definitely feel like judging whoever invented the idea of abortion. I can only imagine the public outcry when it first emerged.)

An unwanted pregnancy can definitely be a negative, for many. But adoption would make so much more sense out of it, for everyone. It could be turned into a positive. First by not aborting and second by giving a family a child they’ve been waiting on for more than the brief nine months that it takes to carry one. Either way, this decision is going to be so hard for any woman, but something very good can come out of it if the baby is saved.
        1)   Someone will gain a cute little family member
       2)  The biological mom will have the opportunity in about 18 years, to meet their kindred little one, all grown up and wondering about her, too.
       3)  You get to keep your Choice; yours. Will I one day see my child, or won’t I? When a baby is adopted out, the birth mother has more and more say-so over how they want to hand over their child.
     "I want contact.   I don’t want contact.  I want to know their name.  I want to know where they live.   I don’t.   I want to be able to get in touch with them when they are of age.     I don’t."
Don’t sever choices. If a child is aborted, all of those future choices will disappear with the baby.

Yes, we want fewer abortions in the world. But keep the government and the cruel thoughts out of it. Keep the Kindness in all of our decisions. Kindness towards girls and woman with difficult decisions that lay ahead. Kindness towards a child that was meant to be. Kindness to spread the word. And the Love. Share the LOVE.  ~~~Katherine A. Rayne~~~  www.backtobeingawoman~~~