I Have Moved
I am now blogging away and supporting women at a new address.
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Thank you for visiting
and I'll see you on the other side!
Katherine xo
How old is your mom?
How much does she weigh?
What’s her favorite color?
What makes your mom laugh?
What would your mom do if she had more time?
What does your mom love to do to relax?
It means that they have seen the happiness on her face when she does those things that she loves. Even if it’s sitting down to watch a favorite TV show or sleeping in.
Instill passion in your children.
“I have a son that is twenty-one.”
“You know how you have to remind your daughter to brush her teeth Every. Single. Morning. And Every. Single. Night? Even though she knows she’s supposed to and she can’t leave the house without doing it? (Think about it. How many times do you think you’ve said, “Go brush your teeth,” as a parent?)
What is important is that we as parents keep planting the seeds. The seeds that they spit back out at us. The seeds that they don’t want to swallow. The ones that have too hard of a shell for them to digest just yet. The seeds that sit there dormant. Until they remember them again. Until they NEED them.And if we forgot to plant them, they won’t ever have them to dig up and fertilize and grow all on their own. We can’t rush a rose or a gemstone. And we can’t try to rush adulthood.
We need to build them towards 18 (or 13 or 16 or 21) as a responsibility. “You will join the world in helping it become a better place!” “You will be ready to join the work force and find your passions!” “You one day will find the love of your life and have beautiful children and make me a grandmother!”
Our children don’t go out and party and drink until they are drunk the day that they become of drinking age. You need to talk to your kids about the responsibilities of drinking. Our drinking age isn't the problem!
What if our minds didn't use worry? Didn't know worry. Would our instincts kick in hard and drive us to where we are supposed to be SOONER and with less of the gray hairs?
Be CURIOUS about what’s on the other side of it. And eager. And forget the worry wart that grows in between your intelligence and sense of humor. Disengage it. Go through this world by barging through your octagon signs leaving oval signs in your path!
A definition of worry: verb 1. to torment oneself with, or to make oneself suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret.
Think instead about all the GOOD things that could happen. Plunge through the stop signs when they start popping up. You’ll go farther.
~Katherine A. Rayne~ www.backtobeingawoman.com Visit her at www.facebook.com/BackToBeingAWoman
“Please excuse my messy house…I haven’t had a chance to clean.”? They say it without embarrassment but I’m thinking with a bit of smugness hiding in their words. “Trust me,” I say, “I know messy. There’s no messy here.”
I said, “I’m sorry…I’m not really up for company. I just had a D&C due to a miscarriage.” That was a messy moment. And REALLLLY awkward. Only because I REALLLY didn’t feel like talking.
"Don't let me go. Hold my hand instead,"
with a tiny image of a newborn. These are words a sweet soul might whisper into her mother’s ear during that difficult time of decision making. That made sense. I didn’t take offense.
"I want contact. I don’t want contact. I want to know their name. I want to know where they live. I don’t. I want to be able to get in touch with them when they are of age. I don’t."